Wednesday, November 23, 2011

231111 - Tenth

I remember searching on the Internet awhile ago on the future predictions of the Internet.

From here:

1. Audio Web Surfing

Guess what? There is really something like this called I'm Watch in the market now.

HAHA! Totally amazing isn't it?

At the first sight, I thought it was nothing much, just an iPod Nano 5th Gen kind of thingy, but OMG, it can do SO MUCH things with it!!

2. Web surf on any devices.

Well, for that I think it can be done since like quite a number of high-tech stuffs are under a Cloud network.

3. Input Revisited

By that it meant this,

I think I saw something similar to this, which is an laser keyboard.

Okay, I know it is a bit far from that but hey, it is cool enough isn't it?

4. Mobile Networking

This is something that is penetrating the market now, iCloud, Android 2.0 and Google Doc, where everyone can interact with one another on a same platform (:

5. The end of .com domination

So there are web url like .... So perhaps the url would have to catch up with the Personalization Era? :D

6. The Elimination of Internet Explorer

With so many competitors, IE really need to buck up with their standard of being virused, crashed and laggy-ness. If not, I'm afraid that Firefox, Google chrome or Safari will really really replaced it.